Tennessee Pass News
For all things Tennessee Pass, visit this page and we will keep you in the loop. Nordic Center, Cookhouse, and Sleep Yurts updates happen all year long and we are enjoying keeping our online followers informed and hopefully entertained!
Grooming Report 11.22.24
TRAILS The Nordic Center will open on November 28th. The trails have not been groomed with the snowcat. We do not recommend accessing the trails through fish flats until opening day. If you decide to ski pre-season, please access the trails through the Nordic...
Calling all moon lovers! Celestial gazers! Fun seekers of all ages! Join us to celebrate the full buck moon. We’re having a Full Moon Camp Out on Sunday, July 21st at the Tennessee Pass Cookhouse. Our stage will be in the Cookhouse meadow, with three bands playing...
Grooming Report 4.4.24
TRAILS All trails have been groomed this morning Trails will continue to be groomED Friday-Monday, and Tuesday-Thursday as needed. Trails open through April 14th. WAX PINK MOSTLY SUNNY WIND : 9 MPH TEMPERATURE : HIGH 46° ...
Grooming Report 02.09.24
TRAILS All trails have been groomed this morning WAX BLUE MOSTLY SUNNY WIND : 9 MPH TEMPERATURE : HIGH 22° LOW 15°